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27 July, 2010


On Friday evening we set off to join others in Ely ready for Boogie in the Park the next day.  Mr Blue Dragon actually managed to get home quite early so we left around 5.45 - only to be held up trying to sort out some first-time hire boaters, who were a) trying to moor at, and b) work out how to go round (!) the lock

It was a lovely evening and the river was really calm, so we had a good journey to Ely, with a curry cooking in the oven.

David, Sarah and Sam were there, and Joe and Liz and Ban and Arry, so we had a drink or two on the river bank before going to bed.  The next morning Sarah and I had to move our boat as we were moored alongside them, and the boat in front left ... and the men were not available as usual.

After shopping for picnic food, looking around Ely, and having lunch in the Prince Albert, we lugged our provisions up the hill to the park, and got ourselves set up ready for the Boogie in the Park evening - an 80s extravaganza or something.

The first band, decidedly un-80s were a local group, Swamp Donkey (I googled this phrase, and I think it is slightly insulting) and were very good.  Indeed, Sarah and I are now official groupies, and the lead singer's mother took photographic evidence of her little boy's new fans!

Joe and Liz and their group chose not to join us, but a large contingency of Upware members did, and we created our own little dance floor from two picnic blankets, and drank and danced the night away.  The music went downhill after Swamp Donkey, but the company made up for it (or the wine did, not sure which!)

Next day we had to leave early to get back to visit my sick (but on the mend) brother, with more learner drivers at the lock, this time narrow boaters, who were grateful for help.

No boating planned for the next couple of weekends, but you never know ...we might be tempted! 

19 July, 2010

Sam's birthday barbecue

The weekend started in a nice relaxing manner for the boys - helping dismantle one of the marquees ...

On Saturday morning John looked at the stern gland leak, and so was in his usual place in the bilges, complete with audience

He was then in a position to go to Jones' to buy some stuff to mend it with, and somehow managed to divert via Ibberts to buy John a petrol strimmer.

The weather wasn't too good, so we all gathered on our boat for a cup of tea and piece of cake while trying to decide what to do, and Sam had a good look around

Finally, once John fell asleep the sun came out so we considered our options (stay at the Club or sit fishing down the river), woke him up, and set off.  It was still windy, and the sailing club were out in force

We were pleasantly surprised to find that Fidwell Fen mooring was empty, so we set up camp and Sam was able to have the run of the place.  Sarah's famous nibble tray came out again, and the boys got in some fishing

The party started with Sam opening his presents and cards

and then there were the barbecues for Sam to play with ...

It was a lovely evening, and the river was absolutely still, and we stayed out until late

 We tried out the illuminated balloons, which were fun, and John was pleased when the red one burst so he could play with the light inside

On Sunday, after more fishing ...

... and a visit from Aquila ...

it was back to the Club, to get ready for the week ahead.

Happy Birthday Sam!