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19 February, 2011

Light at the end of the tunnel!

Well, the days are getting longer, it's very nearly not quite dark when I leave work at night, so our thoughts naturally are turning to boating.  David and Sarah had to test their new gearbox before March, so despite freezing rain, Sarah's flu and David's bad leg, they decided it needed doing.

Naturally Mr Blue Dragon and I scrounged a lift, and Mark and Cormack turned up just in time too, so we all went for a jaunt.  Up to Bait's Bite Lock, down to Bottisham Lock and home to the Club.

Sam, of course, was in his element!  He looked out the whole time, regardless of the rain and cold wind, and got very upset when we went right up to Bottisham Lock without going in and stopping - he wanted to jump ship and run around like a mad puppy, like he usually does!

We got back to the Club safely, the boat worked, and the season seems a lot, lot nearer,  Huuary!

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